2009 was The Year of Rain at The Urban Garden Project. Whereas last year I needed to water the garden to stave off the flaccid, victorian death scenes my plants staged for me on a daily basis, in 2009, my garden was upright, lush and green - with little or no watering. Ironically, Tim and I began work on a rain collection system, with drip hoses and twin 40 gallon tanks. The rain catcher system is currently sitting in parts in the corner of my shop. I have just finished another big design/build project for Dewey's Bakery and Cafe, so I might have some free time to piece my rain catcher together so that it is up and "catching" for Spring.
The Fall/Winter plants are in, and the peppers, eggplant, and mixed lettuce are still going strong. It is November 4th, and 60 degrees. I am about to harvest some Bok Choy and Peppers, so I went looking for a Bok Choy soup recipe and found this:
Prep time: 10 min | Cooking time: 15 min | Serves: 2
1 big bunch bok choy, leaves and stems roughly chopped
1 small onion, sliced
1 tsp garlic, minced
1 tbsp Sambal Olek/red chilli paste
2 cups coconut milk
salt, to taste
ADD onions, bok choy stems, garlic and chilli paste to coconut milk in a deep pan, and let it come to a boil over medium-heat. Stir ocassionally to allow garlic and chilli paste to blend well with the coconut milk.
ADD bok choy leaves, season with salt, and turn off the heat. Cover the pan and let it sit for a few minutes till the leaves begin to wilt.
Recipe Hookup: hookedonheat.com
This simple soup looks so delicious! Do you have any favorite soup recipes to share? Leave me a comment or recipe by clicking on comments below:
Dear Vergelimbo,
My name is Bill Hawthorne, and I represent maacenter.org, a leading web resource for asbestos exposure and mesothelioma cancer information. Our organization is dedicated to increasing awareness of the terrible health consequences of asbestos exposure.
I found your site through a search and decided to contact you because of its high environmental and green presence which is extremely important in our movement. The promotion of how buildings should now be built using sustainable green products to avoid asbestos and mesothelioma as well as the awareness of past buildings and preventative steps in avoiding asbestos exposure are extremely important. My goal is to get a resource link on your site or even to provide a guest posting to be placed.
I look forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to check out our website. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Bill Hawthorne
MAA Center is now on Twitter – follow us @maacenter
This soup is very tasty I'm sure but I can add some lemengrass and kefa lime leafs to make it even better. This garden is very rich amd organic soil I can see. Where is it?
Dear Verge,
We are thrilled to share the launch of TALKINGplug™, an exciting new initiative already making headlines worldwide. This revolutionary technology empowers individuals to change how they use energy without increased effort.
Imagine if all electrical outlets had the ability to monitor and captureyour home or your office energy use, carbon output data, and could also "talk" to the Internet.
The TALKINGplug™ works when clipped directly onto a standard power outlet.
Using Zerofootprint's VELOpulse™ software, the data collected from the TALKINGplugs™ in your home or office is analyzed and responds with your energy consumption.
Individuals and corporations can automatically control and manage the power of each appliance.
Zerofootprint has taken a visionary concept and made it reality, which will usher in a new era of home energy monitoring and control.
Stay tuned for updates on how this innovation is helping to make our world smarter,and on how you can get involved to make a real difference in the health of our planet!
All the best,
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