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  • Green Idea 1 : ' Find your nearest Farmer's Market and go there this weekend with friends...
  • Green Idea 2 : ' Swap your old incandescent bulbs for CFLs when they burn out and start saving $$$
  • Green Idea 3 : ' Try using your bike this weekend instead of your car...
  • Green Idea 4 : ' This Spring why not plant a small kitchen garden of tomatoes and peppers on your balcony or patio?
  • Green Idea 5 : ' What are you waiting for? Make the change today!

    The basic objectives of sustainability are to reduce consumption of non-renewable resources, minimize waste, and create healthy, productive environments.


    You can grow your own food whether you live on a rural farm or in a tiny urban apartment. Urban gardening is all about using space wisely to regain a closer connection with your food and beautify your home or neighborhood.


    Explore energy resources, such as wind, solar, hydroelectric, biomass, geothermal, ocean thermal, and wave power, that replenish themselves within a short period.


    Locating the Farmers' Market nearest to you is now only a few clicks away. Localharvest.org is a useful and straight-forward site designed to faciliate your quest.


Green Idea Of The Week: Plant Something!

Posted by vergelimbo On 8:49 PM 9 comments

Rather than go out and buy the latest greenitized* product you really don't need, plant that pesky lemon, apple or grapefruit seed that is caught in your sink's strainer. No need to go out and buy a fancy new [made in China] pot - just look under your sink and find some yogurt container or similar and fill it with a handful of organic potting soil and give it a soak. Already have a plant potted somewhere? Even easier: poke your finger in the soil and drop in the seed and a splash of water. Citrus plants usually take about 3 weeks just to poke their leafy head up, and grow rather slowly. Apple trees grow significantly faster.
This is a photo of a Honey Crisp Apple at 3 weeks. [note pot]
Here is a Grapefruit at 2 years

If you are suffering from ADD and need to see some immediate growth and greenery, plant some wheatgrass. You can literally "watch the grass grow". From seed to sprout takes 2 days, and thereafter it grows roughly 1 inch per day. The photo upper left is of my wheatgrass at day 6. I'll be juicing this batch Sunday.
The lush brilliant green is quite amazing. When my friend Cameron saw this verdant lushness, he could not resist petting it like some diabolical Bond villain. "I want to sleep on a bed of this" was all he could say. Over the next few weeks I will be experimenting with different types of soil, lighting conditions and also the specialized wheatgrass juicers that I will be borrowing from some friends in exchange for a few wheatgrass "shots" like this.

Let me know what you have planted lately and how it is growing...


So? I molested your plants...they were asking for it. That's right, I said it.

Hey Verge! Nice pics on your blog, and good entries on may different topics. As a kid-third grade i think-I remember growing an avocado using the toothpick trick and watching it very slowly grow. I think I may try it again with my kids. Thanks. Maybe I'll try and orange seed or two.

Isn't Wheatgrass a little bit too "Anjelina Jolie".

You are a man. Do not try to fight it. Have you gone queer on us? Or just suburban yuppie. You used to be hard, or reasonably so. Then again maybe you weren't. Maybe I just had a wrong reading. Are you a hard MOFO or not.

To Anonymous:

Shiiit, Holmes- Don't be doubten that The Verge ain't a bad-ass MOFO. If like you say, you knew me back in the day, you know how I roll. I can girlie up my game with Wheatgrass, yoga, and cookin' shit up right on the stove- and still keep it real with the stone-cold old crew.


Julie: I did the same thing in the second grade! When I graduated highschool the plant was as tall as me. Let me know how it grows.

Juggernaut: Keep your oil-stained paws of my babies

the wheatgrass sure is pretty. i imagine it would be quite a sensory experience to run your hands through it. you have very cool ideas. i do like coming to your blog.

I live in an apartment, and that wheatgrass sounds like a good idea. I may go with an herb garden. We always need parsley and cilantro.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your kind words. I'll be working hard on it. There's too many hills around to go cycling at this weight.

LOVE it! I'm very ADD in winter with plants, so wheatgrass it is! "Special juicer"? Can you just toss the wheatgrass in with stuff in a regular juicer?

Nice idea. We often plant avocado and mango seeds, or we transplant them when they start growing in the compost pile. I've tried growing edible sprouts, too, sesame I think. Fun and tasty.

Hmmm...this is the second time I've seen a reference to Yogurt containers being used to grow seeds. Maybe I should keep my used ones from now on.

How do you grow wheatgrass? Seeds? Does it spread by itself like bad grass? And how do you juice it? Just putting the grass in the blender?