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  • Green Idea 1 : ' Find your nearest Farmer's Market and go there this weekend with friends...
  • Green Idea 2 : ' Swap your old incandescent bulbs for CFLs when they burn out and start saving $$$
  • Green Idea 3 : ' Try using your bike this weekend instead of your car...
  • Green Idea 4 : ' This Spring why not plant a small kitchen garden of tomatoes and peppers on your balcony or patio?
  • Green Idea 5 : ' What are you waiting for? Make the change today!

    The basic objectives of sustainability are to reduce consumption of non-renewable resources, minimize waste, and create healthy, productive environments.


    You can grow your own food whether you live on a rural farm or in a tiny urban apartment. Urban gardening is all about using space wisely to regain a closer connection with your food and beautify your home or neighborhood.


    Explore energy resources, such as wind, solar, hydroelectric, biomass, geothermal, ocean thermal, and wave power, that replenish themselves within a short period.


    Locating the Farmers' Market nearest to you is now only a few clicks away. Localharvest.org is a useful and straight-forward site designed to faciliate your quest.


Celebrate "Buy Nothing Day" November 23rd

Posted by vergelimbo On 1:15 AM 7 comments

November 23rd is the anti-consumerism celebration known the world over as "Buy Nothing Day".

The impetus behind "Buy Nothing Day" is to raise awareness of the consumerist culture in which we live, and the degree to which our behavior revolves around our activity as consumers. Mounting environmental evidence suggests that our current consumption rates are unsustainable and that our choices as consumers have a direct impact on the health of the planet. Buy Nothing Day seeks to expose the environmental costs and ethical consequences that result from overconsumption.

A Very Modest Proposal:
One day a year. (November 23)
1 divided by 365=o.oo273 or roughly o.3%
Abstain from consumerism for 0.3% of the year.
This November 23rd don't be a consumer, just be.

Kalle Lasn, co-founder of the Adbusters Media Foundation, explains BUY NOTHING DAY as a necessary perceptual shift. “Our headlong plunge into ecological collapse requires a profound shift in the way we see things. Driving hybrid cars and limiting industrial emissions is great, but they are band-aid solutions if we don’t address the core problem: we must consume less. This is the message of Buy Nothing Day.”


This reeks of some liberal minded conspiricy...shop until you drop [E Pluibus unim, in latin] is the American way.

I "celebrate" this holiday all the time

Isn't it ironic that this year "Buy nothing day" coincides with "Black Friday"? And once again, mass consumerism won out in the United States (as it does in all of the rich world) with no regard to those who can't consume at all...

Hey Olaf!
Tru Dat. What blows my mind is how the media hypes the shopping season in the US...Even NPR has been fanning the flames of consumerism, with reports on lines, late-openings, anxious OCD shoppers who get all their X-mas shopping done by the end of November etc.

Congrats on the Show...the flyer/card looks great. [Is there a webpage or anything?]

I hope you and Steph are well.

you are surprised the media hypes the shopping season???? have you not figured out how advertising pays for the media and advertising is paid for by sales of widget A. come on.... i will bet all the bloggers on this site long for the fanciest apple mac that money could buy while pretending they are not rabid consumers... willing to pay up to be "alternative", the ultimate victims of underhanded advertising. listening to cool steve jobs while he sucks up all apples profits with his stock options. fool me once....

Dang, that was the one day that I did go shopping.

cool idea. i did my part!