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  • Green Idea 1 : ' Find your nearest Farmer's Market and go there this weekend with friends...
  • Green Idea 2 : ' Swap your old incandescent bulbs for CFLs when they burn out and start saving $$$
  • Green Idea 3 : ' Try using your bike this weekend instead of your car...
  • Green Idea 4 : ' This Spring why not plant a small kitchen garden of tomatoes and peppers on your balcony or patio?
  • Green Idea 5 : ' What are you waiting for? Make the change today!

    The basic objectives of sustainability are to reduce consumption of non-renewable resources, minimize waste, and create healthy, productive environments.


    You can grow your own food whether you live on a rural farm or in a tiny urban apartment. Urban gardening is all about using space wisely to regain a closer connection with your food and beautify your home or neighborhood.


    Explore energy resources, such as wind, solar, hydroelectric, biomass, geothermal, ocean thermal, and wave power, that replenish themselves within a short period.


    Locating the Farmers' Market nearest to you is now only a few clicks away. Localharvest.org is a useful and straight-forward site designed to faciliate your quest.


verge limbo lives

Posted by vergelimbo On 2:18 AM 3 comments

Despite rumours to the contrary, Verge Limbo is ALIVE!


Assuming you are who I believe you are...thanks for giving me something else interesting to bookmark! And Happy Birthday, though I dare not ever send you a card again:)


And just who do you assume me to be?
[I am currently needing a consensus on my me-ness]

Thanks SS
PS: I think a card is safe again!

your me-ness...?

i'm not convinced - you're still dead to me! phone calls, emails, text messages........all unanswered. and now you're alive and blogging....????!!!!

i think this is some phil-wannabe who's heisted his identity (and email address book) and is endevouring to write the same woefully lyrical prose that phil was so famous for in his "journal" days.

i need proof - where's the beef? where are the laments about women lost and the wonderments of what tomorrow may bring?

this vergelimbo imposter actually sounds pleased with himself - like he's sitting high up on his throne, happy to cynically (and impishly) snipe at the goings-on down below - and a content phil is a scary thought, indeed.