Confused over which WRISTBAND to wear?
Afraid of being seen wearing an unfashionable color??
Can't keep track of which color signifies which cause???
[Rueters, Milan] "The fastest growing trend in the fashion industry today is color-blindness", moans Yves Saint-Pierre after his recent Fall Line premiered in Milan. "Eet is juste horrible...what color? what meaning? What a headache!" This experience however, is not unique to the uber-chic of the fashion world. Recent surveys show that less than 3% of those surveyed could successfully match five colors with their respective causes. A noted mathematician commented that "the figure of 3% has to be an anomaly...statistically such a score is almost impossible...a random guessing would score higher"
Known by epidemiolologists and specialists as Aselectochromaplastica [from the latin: inability to choose between different colored plastics] the condition appears to be reaching towards a worldwide pandemic crescendo. "Bird Flu pales in comparison", stammered one World Health official interviewed in Geneva. "Aselectochromaplastica [ACP] is spreading at an exponential rate", he confided. "It is only a matter of time until it crosses over to the Bird population." The un-named official, refused to answer any further questions- he shoved his hands and multicolored bangled wrists into his pockets and scurried off into the night streets of Geneva.
you are a hotty
Thank you! I assume you to be a (wo)man of exceptional taste.
Dude, the yellow wristband is to combat bird flu. You didn't know that? Geez.
::Kim (whom I'm sure you thought had bird flu)
Glad to hear that you are fine, Red.
Missed you at the Mill Party...thanks for linking my blog to your readership. VL
it's like the emblem(s)of a new socially aware caring and sensitive rainbow coalition.
Aren't they mostly anti-cancer emblems - ironic that they're made of possible carcinogens..
I'm scared of orange. Is that neurotic?
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