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  • Green Idea 1 : ' Find your nearest Farmer's Market and go there this weekend with friends...
  • Green Idea 2 : ' Swap your old incandescent bulbs for CFLs when they burn out and start saving $$$
  • Green Idea 3 : ' Try using your bike this weekend instead of your car...
  • Green Idea 4 : ' This Spring why not plant a small kitchen garden of tomatoes and peppers on your balcony or patio?
  • Green Idea 5 : ' What are you waiting for? Make the change today!

    The basic objectives of sustainability are to reduce consumption of non-renewable resources, minimize waste, and create healthy, productive environments.


    You can grow your own food whether you live on a rural farm or in a tiny urban apartment. Urban gardening is all about using space wisely to regain a closer connection with your food and beautify your home or neighborhood.


    Explore energy resources, such as wind, solar, hydroelectric, biomass, geothermal, ocean thermal, and wave power, that replenish themselves within a short period.


    Locating the Farmers' Market nearest to you is now only a few clicks away. Localharvest.org is a useful and straight-forward site designed to faciliate your quest.


Dynamic Zinger Recipe: The Ultimate Green Elixir

Posted by vergelimbo On 8:10 PM 7 comments

Dynamic Zinger Recipe:
1 Large Bunch Parsley [2 cups]
1 Bag Baby Carrots
1 Medium Yellow Onion
6 Cloves of Garlic
1/4 cup Basil Leaves
1/4 cup Olive Oil
Juice of 1 Lemon
4 Tbsps Balsamic Vinegar
Optional: Add 1/4 cup Pistachios

Add to Cuisinart in the above order and pulse/blend to texture.
Within minutes of finishing a cup of Dynamic Zinger I felt I had the strength to move boulders. Parsley is exceptionally high in vitamins C, A and K. It is a powerful anti-oxidant and detoxifier.

What's your Ultimate Elixir? Leave comments or recipes below


I used to really like a mix of beets, carrots, and ginger, back when I had a juicer and lots of vegetables. And it was summer.

Now that it's chilly and dark, I'm more about the bourbon. With lemon and hot water and a bit of maple syrup.

Or chicken soup.

Hey verge

I started on the green smoothie diet a while back and have settled on this as my elixir:

2 - 3 teaspoons Spirulina
1 tablespoon flaxseed oil
2 teaspoons wheatgerm oil
5 almonds
1 banana, or berries to equal
approx 350 mls rice milk
1 tablespoon yoghurt
honey or maple syrup to taste

How about,

6 bottles of XXXX, icy cold.

1 Large Steak.

Crispy Fries (shoestring), cooked in aged canola oil.

Classic flourless chocolate cake.

Now if that don't make you feel good, I don't know what will.....

A man is a man. Don't try to fight it.


Lets make it peanut oil. My mistake.

Any ideas about wheatgrass?

Alpha-Chilly and dark is right! That toddy recipe shows promise...I never seem able to recall, year to year, how #%$!-ing early it gets dark. Screw DST.

Eileen thanks for your elixir recipe

And Anonymousx2, who I suspect to be the lovely JB [I can hear the cute kiwi accent coming through, no?] good to see you here...are you implying I've gone too "metro"? Don't worry


Hello there herr elixer! Ich liebe deinen bildern fuer diesem artikel! well chosen! hope your doing well, the blog looks great!
liebe gruss
aus Deutschland

I don't know if this counts, since it's not a smoothie, but a friend of mine swore by it as a way of counteracting the heavy metals ingested by eating seafood. And it's yummy.

Cilantro Pesto Said to Remove Heavy Metals

"4 cloves garlic
1/3 cup Brazil nuts (selenium)
1/3 cup sunflower seeds (cysteine)
1/3 cup pumpkin seeds
2 cups packed fresh cilantro (aka coriander, Chinese parsley) (Vitamin A)
2/3 cup flaxseed oil
4 Tb lemon juice (Vitamin C)
2 tsp dulse powder (dulse is a kind of seaweed; you'll need to look for this in Whole Foods or a specialty health store)
Sea salt to taste

Process the cilantro and flaxseed oil in a blender until the coriander [sic] is chopped. Add the garlic, nuts and seeds, dulse and lemon juice and mix until the mixture is finely blended into a paste. Add a pinch of sea salt to taste and blend again. Store in dark glass jars if possible. It freezes well.

Cilantro has been proven to chelate toxic minerals from our bodies in a relatively short period of time. Combined with the benefits of the other ingredients, this recipe is a powerful tissue cleanser."

I have to agree with anon. about the healing properties of flourless chocolate cake.